User Profile

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SocialFX - an easy to use hosted service that allows you and any number of partners to manage and update your website.

SocialFX is user friendly allowing you to publish content online that is widely accessible and readable in many different web browsers.

The look and feel of each site can be managed with our templating system which defines colours, images, and fonts used to apply layout and style elements to the page. You can pick one and stick with it or customise to your heart's content.

Adding to the site can be done in a variety of ways depending on what you want to do. You can upload 'ready to view' files such as HTML files, Word documents or PDF's and or you can use our editing tools within your web browser.

You can add blog entries, events, and news articles with photos, video, or sounds.

You can invite other people to join the site as members, authors, or editors/administrators. Authors can add content like news articles and events themselves. Editors can create and maintain pages and also review submitted articles before they are published.

The beauty of this is that you as the site administrator are no longer the bottleneck in getting things published. You can have a large number of authors and a few editors reviewing submitted content and permitting it to be published. By sharing the workload the amount and quality of content improves out of sight.

Everything you need to maintain your site is accessible using a web browser so anyone can do it anywhere that they have an internet connection.


SocialFX at a new home

Monday, 13 October 2008

SocialFX moved to a new home recently with bigger bandwidth and scope for expansion.

Thank you to everyone involved in the move, there were plenty of tricky moments but it went off without a hitch.

We hope you enjoy the benefits of the move.